Urban StreetView
Planning to create digital twins of towns, cities or landscape?
Our flagship 3D panoramic street level mobile mapping system developed from deriving over 10 years of “digital twin making” experiences using street level 3D mobile mapping and data capturing for clients from various industries. It is the most affordable and flexible 360 panoramic street level view imagery mobile mapping system that can be converted from car to backpack system in under 15 minutes, there is no need for 2 different system. Equipped with advanced customization features including upgrades to ultra high resolution imagery and additional sensors such as Lidar, thermal and hyper spectral. It is a complete solution including hardware, software and workflow that guarantees ease of use and efficiency for any mobile mapping project. Contact us for a customized sensor and system integration for your applications.
Indoor Mapping
The perfect device to create digital twins of buildings.
In partnership with NavVis, Germany, the mobile mapping trolley, M6 brings all in one reality capture to even the largest indoor environment where data quality matters. It can automatically capture point clouds, 360 immersive panoramic imagery and sensor data at walking speed throughout a building. Main advantages are, scan up to 30 times faster than with stationary scanners, capture up to 30,000 square meters per day, high indoor positioning accuracy with 6D SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) and integrated workflow from device setup to data publishing. Contact us for more discussion.
Softwares - ARD 360
(Combination of system comprising Horus/Navvis/Cesium)
A digital twin needs a digital world to reside in.
Our software ARD 360 provides the perfect world for digital twins. Derived from the Arabic word meaning “world in 360”. ARD 360 suites of software will allow you to create your own digital twin from data capture, analyse and publishing. It allows you to extract, add, acquire and publish digital twins information from 360 panoramic imagery and other datasets effortlessly. The software is easy to use and master where anyone can be trained in several minutes. Digital twin experiences not required.There are two versions of the software for both desktop and web-based platform for enterprise usage. Contact us for discussion.